Free, Quick and Easy Knitted Head Warmer Pattern – Ideal for Beginners!

Knitted Head warmerAs promised – here is a super quick and easy knitted head warmer pattern. Like my recent crochet headband pattern I’m using Patons Fab Big Super Chunky Yarn  – when knitted on 10mm needles a 8 stitch width row gives you a 10cm wide piece of fabric.

Cast on 35 stitches.

Cast on 35 stitches

Row 1: *Knit 1, Purl 1* repeat ** to the end of the row. You should finish with a knit stitch.

Row 2: *Purl 1, Knit 1* repeat ** to the end of the row finishing with a purl stitch.

Row 3: *Knit 1, Purl 1* repeat ** to the end of the row. You should finish with a knit stitch.

3 rows of rib

Row 4: Knit all stitches.

Row 5: Purl all stitches.

Row 6: Knit all stitches.

Row 7: Purl all stitches.

4 rows stocking stitch complete

Row 8: *Knit 1, Purl 1* repeat ** to the end of the row. You should finish with a knit stitch. Recognise the pattern from your first 3 rows?

Row 9: *Purl 1, Knit 1* repeat ** to the end of the row finishing with a purl stitch.

Row 10: *Knit 1, Purl 1* repeat ** to the end of the row finishing with a knit stitch.

3 rows rib, 4 stocking stitch, 3 rib

Cast off. Fold in half and stitch up your seam.

Sew up head warmer seam

Make a flower  –  just click on the link for an easy pattern.. Remember to leave one yarn tail long to sew it onto your head warmer.

Simple Knitted Flower

Voila! Ready to wear to keep those ears warm and your hair tidy!

Finished Knittted Head Warmer

Knitted Head warmer

If you prefer a thinner headband just work 2 ribs rows each side of a 3 row stocking stitch middle section.

3 thoughts on “Free, Quick and Easy Knitted Head Warmer Pattern – Ideal for Beginners!

  1. Hi really quick and easy to make but I have a big head and need to try again. Also the way I fasted off means there is no stretch in that side of the head band…is there a special stretchy way to cast off? Thanks

    • I normally cast off quite loosely if I need it to stretch a little. Otherwise if you are after a stretchy headband there’s a good free pattern by The Lovely Crow on the Ravelry site, I think I mentioned it in my last cuff post.

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